Sunday, February 27, 2011

My camera

I was going to post pics from Ashley's shower but my lame camera is being sooo lame.
Anyway, I thought it was a fun time and she got some great stuff.

Also, my family, those of you who were reading the B of M with me should be finishing up by next week. And I am proposing that we start again and try to finish by Dec. 31 ,2011. I know you are all busy but lets DO IT as Pres. Kimball would say. I need the blessings, if you are willing post a comment and I will figure some cool reward. This year it was go to lunch, when when when is the hard part. And let's email or post comments and what has been helpful to us in our reading.
I will be waiting to hear your thoughts on this, while I try to get the pics off my camera. I guess I will just start using Blake's.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This cupcake eating wasn't nearly as aggressive as the first one. He sure loves his cake!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So, Jenny should be the one posting but the pics are on Blake's camera so I'm doing it. We had the puppies in the house for a while. Ava was hugging them so cute we just had to take some pictures.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

We got our engagement pictures!!! If you want to see them you can go to, then click on website, then you go to proofing, then you text me for the password.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2nd Time

My second prenatal visit went well ... all five minutes of it. And I waited for almost half an hour. But all is well! Baby is doing just fine. I got to hear the heartbeat again (158 bpm). My weight gain (ugh!) is right on track, and my blood pressure is "really good." The most exciting news: WE GET TO FIND OUT IF WE'RE HAVING A BOY OR GIRL NEXT MONTH! My next appointment is on March 9th. Hopefully Rob will be able to be there. Any guesses what we'll have? My dad thinks it'll be a girl, but my mom thinks it's a boy. I'm feeling more like it's a boy, and of course Rob wants a boy ... but just because of that it's probably a girl! :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Brand New Shoe!

This is Ashley's new shoe for the next two weeks. She has a follow-up appointment on Feb. 17th where she will get a smaller cast.

This is from the campout that dad went on with the teachers quorum from the ward. They snow shoed up to the big tree. I am Dad's official man to post stuff on ksl for him to sell and I guess I am also his new blogger.

Ava thinks she is playing the play station.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


2 weeks old today and their eyes are open, well when they are not asleep.

Jazz Game

Asher went to his first Jazz game last night. It's a pretty sweet view from row 5!!!