Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gift Game 2012


2 steals per gift
one person opens a gift and it can be stolen twice after that
you can't steal a gift back in the same turn it was stolen from you

end of game twist
at the end of the game, player 1 (Dad) gets to trade his gift
with any of the remaining stealable gifts


when it's your turn use the comments section to indicate your gift choice. beware of the smack-talking wrath of the other players if you wait too long to take your turn!

to subscribe to email updates of comments, click on the comments link. instead of leaving a comment, click the link "subscribe by email" at the lower right.


1. Dad
2. Mom
3. Jabbey
4. Molly
5. Nate
6. Brooks
7. Bonny
8. Ashley
9. Heibert
10. Jenny
11. Todd

Gift #1

Current owner: Mom
Steals available: 2

From Jabbey

Gift #2
Current owner: Todd
Steals available: 1
From Todd/Ashley

Gift #3
Current owner: Brooks
From Todd/Ashley

Gift #4

Current owner: Jabbey
Steals available: 1
From Dad
Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 6
Weight: approx 1 lb

Gift #5
Current owner: Heibert
From Mom

Gift #6

Current owner: Molly
Steals available: 1

From Molly

Gift #7 
It's a knife sharpener!
Current owner: Dad
From Heibert

Gift #8

Current owner: Ashley
From Jenny

Gift #9
Current owner: Bonny
Steals available: 1
 From Nate

Gift #10
Current owner: Nate
From Bonny

Gift #11
Current owner: Jenny
From Brooks

Friday, December 14, 2012

Gift Game - Pick a turn

Watch this video to find out when you get to take your turn in the gift game!

Still waiting on a couple gift photos. As soon as I receive them we will get this party started!


2 steals per gift
one person opens a gift and it can be stolen twice after that
you can't steal a gift back in the same turn it was stolen from you

end of game twist
at the end of the game, player 1 (Dad) gets to trade his gift
with any of the remaining stealable gifts


when it's your turn use the comments section to indicate your gift choice. beware of the smack-talking wrath of the other players if you wait too long to take your turn!

to subscribe to email updates of comments, click on the comments link. instead of leaving a comment, click the link "subscribe by email" at the lower right.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Birthday to Ava!

I just remembered that it's her birthday today! These are some of the only pictures I could find of her that we had. Adorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BIRTHDAY (month) BUDDY! :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Bear Lake Pictures

Bear Lake was so fun. Here are ALL the pictures that I/Molly took with my camera. Asher saw these pictures and said, "lotsa kids in the mud!"